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Chosen Premiers in Mansfield, Ohio. “You may have a hit on your hands!”
In celebration of Adoption Awareness Month, JCFILMS premiered it newest faith film CHOSEN last weekend and by all accounts the film was a...

Glass Walls: Exposing Pastor Burnout
Did you know: · 90% of pastors work between 55 to 75 hours per week · 70% constantly fight depression · 77% feel they do not have a good...

JCFilms is recruiting churches to help create new Christian kids programing.
Finding quality, faith-based entertainment for kids is a huge challenge. I’ll be honest, my 6-year-old son is a YouTube kids’ addict. ...

Miracle at Manchester: The amazing story of Brycen Newman.
In June 2015, high school sophomore Brycen Newman was diagnosed with medulloblastoma – a very aggressive and fast-growing brain cancer....

CHOSEN to Premiere November 13th to Celebrate National Adoption Month
In celebration of raising awareness on adoption during the month of November, JCFILMs will premiere their most recent film CHOSEN. The...

Following the success of other clubs around the country, JCFilms Studios is launching a new Faith-based Film Production Club in the Tampa...

Actor Dean Cain lends his support to a new website.
Three years ago, JCFilms embarked on three wonderful film projects that originated from Massachusetts. A PROMISE TO ASTRID, A CHILD OF A...

Forgiven: One of Our Most Important Films of the Year!
Last year, JCFilms embarked on a film project knowing that the hard message of the film needed to be shared. President of JCFilms, Jason...

JCFilms to Release the First Ever Christian Themed Halloween Movie: Halloween Heroes.
With Halloween right around the corner, you can be sure that many churches and families are once again preparing to debate on whether...

Ohio Helping Hands launches during a Sneak Peek event of the film CHOSEN!
As you may know, this past summer, JCFilms Studios produced a faith-based film in Mansfield, Ohio called CHOSEN. The film dealt around...

JCFilms Studios to Produce a Faith-Based Reality Series.
CRUDE OIL OKIES is a new American reality television series produced by JCFilms Studios featuring actor Dean Cain. Production is set to...

Fastest Pastor in the West Makes Cameo Appearance in “Chosen”
Aaron Schwartzbart to Appear in JC Films’ Latest Production Featuring Kevin Sorbo and Dean Cain. JCFilms is pleased to announce an...

In God's Time
JCFilms is starting pre-production on an amazing film. IN GOD’S TIME is based on a true story about tragedy, faith and hope. When tragedy...

This Summer, JCFilms will be producing a Christian adoption film called CHOSEN! The film will star Dean Cain, Kevin Sorbo and Eddie...

God’s NOT Dead Duo Reunite to Make Film about Adoption!
This summer, JCFilms will be producing an adoption film called CHOSEN that will be the 30th film the ministry has created. Except, this...

Actor Dean Cain visits Orlando to help launch the film The Lifeboat Project and JCFilms are proud to announce their partnership, in...

Orlando Studio to Host Actor Dean Cain for Acting Classes.
Since 2013, JCFILMS has produced over 30 faith and family friendly movies. Their goal is simple; create family friendly films while...

Law Enforcement & Military Appreciation Night!
In three short years, JCFilms has produced over a dozen faith and family movies with actor Dean Cain all throughout Harrison County, West...

One Cop's Journey.
In the past three years, JCFilms Studios has produced two faith inspired police movies starring actor Dean Cain. Now, they’re producing a...

Naughty or Nice
Rescuing Family Values at Christmas JCFilms Studio to Produce New Christmas Film to Encourage Families. With COVID quarantine...

Where faith and family film makers come to talk. Starting in May 2021, JCFilms Studios will be producing a weekly podcast series focusing...

JCFILMS Opens Faith & Family Studio in Orlando, Florida.
Since 2013, JCFILMS has produced over 30 faith and family friendly movies. Their goal is simple; create family friendly films while...
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