JCFilms Studios makes faith and family films. In fact, they have produced over 70 feature films. In 2024, the film ministry is working to produce twelve films in Las Vegas and one of their first films really hits home.
Sergeant Henry Prendes was a Las Vegas Police Officer that on February 1, 2026, while responding to a violent family disturbance, Henry was shot and killed. Henry was a father, husband and a deeply religious man who carried a Bible with him in his patrol car.
Early next year, JCFilms Studios will be partnering with his family, friends and the community to tell this amazing story in a film featuring actor Dean Cain as Sergeant Henry Prendes.
"I'm thrilled about the opportunity to share Henry's story. He frequently comes to mind because of the significant influence he had on my life and the lives of many others. Undertaking this project is a deeply personal and passionate endeavor for me,” said Producer, Sean Stanek.
During Henry's fifteen years on the force, he was loyal, highly regarded and well respected, and clearly not afraid to go above and beyond the call of duty. JCFilms Studios is honored to be a part of telling his story.
“Through his sacrifice, his legacy lives on, not just in the heroism he displayed but in the lives he touched. His story, through the eyes of his close friend Director and Producer, Sean Stanek, echoes the power of hope and the transformative impact of faith. In honoring his memory, we unveil a narrative that continues to save lives, introducing countless souls to the enduring power of Jesus," said Henry’s widow, Dawn Prendes.
For more information about A FALL TO HEAVEN, please visit www.JCFilms.org.