Jennifer Calvert is a fan of JCFilms Studios. In fact, she has appeared in many of our productions and always lends a helping hand on set when given the opportunity.
Several years ago, Jennifer wrote an amazing movie script based on a true story that deeply affected her. Her script called CROSSROADS dives deep into several bizarre and unspoken family dynamics.
She explains, “being a Christian doesn’t make one immune to family dysfunction. Forgiving one you are related to can prove harder than forgiving a stranger.”
That’s the story of CROSSROADS. When a mega church pastor is confronted with his own “prodigal son,” he finds himself unable to forgive his own wayward child.
Production of this family drama is set to start in January 2024 in Bridgeport, WV. The film is set to cast both Dean Cain and Kevin Sorbo in this family faith thriller.
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