In addition to the dozens of Christian films being produced by JCFilms Studios each year, the film ministry also takes time each summer to host several film camps. Their Teen Film Camp just wrapped and ‘boy oh boy was it a doozy!’
Over 60 campers, many parents and two film crews descended into the hills of West Virginia for two weeks to learn all aspects of Christin filmmaking while being in an actual faith film and television production.
This year’s production theme was entitled AFTERMATH. Picture this, it's a post-rapture world, and the Mark of the Beast is a hand implant that serves as credit card and ID. It's illegal to worship God and those without the implant find survival nearly impossible. But when a group of teens realize this was the promised Biblical rapture, they start an underground society to protect against the evil.
During the two weeks of teen film camp, campers were given the opportunity to spend time working directly with film professionals to help advance their film goals while making Christian content.
Jason Campbell, President of JCFilms Studios said, “It was truly amazing watching them work as a team in producing not just one but several faith-based film projects! We are excited to see what the Lord has planned for each of these talented teens.”
Campbell also added that plans are already underway for next year’s Film Camp to be hosted again in West Virginia in June of 2025. To learn more, please visit www.JCFilms.org
So cool! I love it. My son would love something like this if there was one closer to us(North Idaho). I love that you are reaching our youth. ❤️
I loved watching these teens rise and shine with excitement to learn every day. Great camp!