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The Cabin - Church Edition


Has anyone ever told you that ‘you need to face your demons?’  Your fears, your guilt and your shame from past mistakes that continually cause problems in your life. Well, that is exactly what Roy Brown decided to do when he rented a secluded cabin in the woods.


The Cabin is a modern day film about spiritual warfare telling the story of how one man courageously waged war against his personal demons.  This suspenseful thriller shows the spiritual battlefield we all face each and everyday in an unusual and realistic way.


Based on Ephesians 6:12, where we’re told our fight on earth is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil. 


And whether you believe in angels and demons or not, The Cabinwill increase your awareness to these spiritual forces and the powers of darkness surrounding each and everyone of us. 



The Cabin - Church Edition

  • For this $50.00 licensing fee, we will send your church a licensed copy of THE CABIN  that can be shown to a public audience. 

    We also have downloadable and printable bulletin inserts, posters, tickets and more under the Resources Tab at that will help you promote your event.

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